What Are Dentures and Why Do You Need Them?

Missing teeth can affect your health in a lot of ways, from trouble chewing to chronic headaches and infections. On a day-to-day basis, however, missing teeth take away something vital from you—your ability to freely smile.

Now, we don’t think anything should hold you back from smiling, but it’s understandable when people are conscious about their smiles because of tooth loss. That’s where dentures can help.


What Are Dentures?

Dentures are a removable tooth replacement option for anyone with lost or missing teeth. They are artificial teeth and gums that are custom-created by your dentist to fit your unique mouth structure. They can be made of acrylic or metal.

While some people are apprehensive about dentures because they are assumed to be ill-fitting and noticeable, this isn’t necessarily the case. The dentures of today have advanced to look and feel more natural than ever before, making these prosthetic appliances an ideal solution to get your smile back.


Types of Dentures

There are two main types of dentures:

  1. Full dentures:
    Full dentures are used to replace all the teeth in your upper or lower jaw. Full dentures require your remaining teeth to be removed before being placed, so it’s typically used for people with only a few left teeth.
  2. Partial dentures:
    As the name suggests, partial dentures are made to replace a particular section, or sections, of teeth. Partial dentures are typically placed using a metal framework that will be attached to your remaining teeth. Usually, dentists will also place dental crowns on certain teeth surrounding the partial denture to give the structure more stability.


Benefits of Dentures


Improves Your Smile

Dentures can realistically mimic your natural teeth, allowing you to smile with confidence without having to worry about what other people might think. Additionally, dentures can help give your jaw the support it needs to keep your face from sagging.



Dentures are made for your mouth—literally! Your dentist will prepare a custom set of dentures so they can fit perfectly in your mouth. Dentures aren’t just about the aesthetic of your smile; they also help perform the functions of a full set of teeth. For example, dentures can help fix any natural under or overbites you might have to give you a normal bite.


For All Ages

When people hear dentures, they’re likely to immediately associate them with an older crowd. But people can lose teeth at any age due to physical accidents, advanced stages of tooth decay, and more. Missing teeth isn’t a problem that’s restricted to a certain age group, and neither are dentures.


Promotes Oral Health

Even if you are only missing a single tooth, the chances of your oral health declining noticeably increase. Replacing your missing teeth and restoring the function of your mouth will reduce your risk of facing these problems.

At Dr. Nelly Soliman Wahba Family Dentistry, we strive to make sure that everyone gets the chance to smile brightly without anything holding them back. If you’re worried about missing, unaligned, or damaged teeth, get in touch with us today. We look forward to helping you keep your smile healthy, happy, and bright!

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